Intellectual Property Law

The four-year doctoral programme "Intellectial Property Law" is mostly designed for practitioners (solicitors, in-house practitioners, public servants, judicial officials etc.) looking for new professional challenges and extensive understanding of regulatory concepts and instruments of IP as well as for aspiring legal academics aiming at scientific or scholarly careers in this challenging discipline.The curriculum consists primarily of tutored research in the field of doctoral thesis. In addition, there are doctoral sessions, colloquia and tutored distance learning in IP law, Research methodology and Academic skills.

The programme could be studied as full-time (on-site) or as combined (i.e presence on site not required, however the student has to still attend the needed colloqiums  / discussions / consultations in person).

Tuition fee per semester: 12 500 CZK (approx. 500 EUR)

Administrative contact: Mgr. Vendula Strnadová (Phone No. +420 549 498 029, e-mail:

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